Breath Relaxes and Releases
Breath Relaxes and Releases I once had a class with the great voice teacher Cecily Berry. We did the exercise below. After the class, she talked about how she done this exercise with prisoners in jail, with people suffering from anxiety and with older people who are dying. Once, I had a friend who was in his thirties and dying of cancer. He was a tough, New Zealander who had played rugby to a decent level. When I visited him in hospital near his final days, he was all skin and bones and weighed only 45 kgs. He could hardly communicate and his wife said he always seemed anxious. His wife left the room for a well deserved break. I told him I would stay there for a bit and we would just relax. I said, "Breathe in - relax. Hold. Breathe out - release. Now, breathe in and relax on 1-2-3. Hold 1-2. Now breathe out - release on 1-2-3-4. Again. Now, breathe in and relax on 1-2-3. Hold 1-2. Now breathe out - release on 1-2-3-4. Now slower. Now, breathe in and relax on 1-2-3-4. Hold 1-2. No...